Tuesday 9 September 2008

Skin Cancer May Signal Cancers to Come

Researchers who followed skin cancer survivors for 16 geezerhood have over that they are doubly as potential as citizenry without skin cancer to develop some other form of cancer later on.

However, the findings of higher cancer rates were most salient among the youngest cutis cancer patients in the study, wHO were 'tween the ages of 25 and 44, so they are unlikely to have much carriage, if whatever, on the nation's to the highest degree famous peel cancer subsister, who turns 72 Friday.

Although the findings are considered preliminary, piece of the reason for this, the researchers speculate, is that the findings indicate that people's DNA have different repair abilities, which make some less able to repair wrong from environmental irritants and more likely to develop cancer.

But in McCain's grammatical case, the origins of his skin crab are likely from exposure to sun in his environment.

"I believe if mortal -- like John McCain, for model -- has very bonnie skin, light eyes and a chronicle of living in a place like Arizona, that is a darn good explanation for his cutis cancers, and he is healthy differently � so the chances of his non-melanoma skin cancers being a marker for early DNA resort problems is slim in my notion," said Dr. Mark Abdelmalek, a regular contributor to ABC News, who reviewed McCain's health records on behalf of ABC when they were released in May.

But for others, the new research could provide intriguing hints to the origin of their skin cancers -- and perhaps one solar day an early warning of future risk.

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